Target Market / leisure activitys / profiling
(photos courtesy of Istock Photo)
Modern Boy
Football, sports, outdoor activities, swimming. Sunday football team
Playstation, gaming, xbox, wii, online social gaming – online gaming has hit a boom in the current market and would be a good sector to target in the future. I can use still advertising language and terminology and iconography similar to what is used in the gaming market as an idea.
Paper Round (income)
Clothes, sports clothes – Brands: Addidas , lacoste, umbro, NIKE, sportsworld shop.
Music – Chart music, youtube, Mtv, sky television music.
Drama Clubs, Film Clubs
Magazine Buyer
Skateboarding / Bmxing / Rollerblading / Swimming (adventure element)
Some of the target audience will already have started a relationship with the brand as it is is on many highstreets, but may not be fully aware.
For the majority of the audience it will be the first time use of the product/service.
The target audience is planned to start a relationship with the Waterstones brand and books at the football match when they engage with the advert at the ground.
The ad’s message is planned to interact with them positively. Using the two step flow theory the audience is attracted and is passed on the message by the opinion leader. The opinion leader of the ad is football itself and relevant players who surround its cause who help to explain and diffuse the ad’s content/message.
Because a young boy is not aware of the product/service. If it is related to football and football supports it the boy can start to build a relationship with the product.
Therefore the USP of advertising boys books at a football ground plays a major role with the consumer.
Waterstones will be interacted with with the boys every time they go to a premiership football game. Secondly after the first viewing of the ad may relate to the store when next passing or online, maybe even as ‘that store from the football game’. But will become stronger after every consumption.
Current colour scheme used in Waterstones ads. Warm, friendly, inviting colour palette
Semiotics used by the client
Black and white logo. Serif font face – upmarket, resepecatble brand for the main logo. Using the alphabet as a symbol ‘W’ / logo for themselves
Waterstones combines connotations with its upmarket logo connotating a smart brand, with its bright coloured colour less formal adverts for its promotions combining connotations to create a new one.
Waterstones as a brand and in its ads contain the connotation that its is an is a fun lively brand and shop through its informal ad’s with bright colours and illustrations but also that it can be trusted and a quality product will be purchased than can be reliable through its upmarket logo and brand perception.
Camapign and research USP
Relative pointers that are planned to make the new campaign individual to the current market.
·‘Strictly boy friendly content’·
Banded and linked with Oxford reading Tree Stages·
Unique ‘Thematic Clusters’ combining fiction and non fiction to encourage a range of literacy skills. A cluster is composed of books that focus on a common theme. Each cluster includes at least three themes from three different domains of knowledge. ·
Fiction relatable child characters with fictional BLOG / Profiles
Waterstones as a brand
Strong website, user friendly which appeals to all audiences·
UK’s Leading Bookseller·
Loyalty / points card·
30,000 individual books, with 200,000 titles in the largest store·
No two Waterstone's bookshops are the same.
·‘Strictly boy friendly content’·
Banded and linked with Oxford reading Tree Stages·
Unique ‘Thematic Clusters’ combining fiction and non fiction to encourage a range of literacy skills. A cluster is composed of books that focus on a common theme. Each cluster includes at least three themes from three different domains of knowledge. ·
Fiction relatable child characters with fictional BLOG / Profiles
Waterstones as a brand
Strong website, user friendly which appeals to all audiences·
UK’s Leading Bookseller·
Loyalty / points card·
30,000 individual books, with 200,000 titles in the largest store·
No two Waterstone's bookshops are the same.
Target Market Behavior
Puzzle and activity books emerge as the overall favourite among 7-14s, offering straightforward interest and entertainment that can be picked up at any time - at home or on a journey, for instance, without needing to follow a plot. In that respect, these might be regarded as an equivalent to adult magazines, or indeed to comics, but certainly they are a format with which children are very familiar, since this is also how many early learning materials are presented.
(mintel 2009)
Sub-category of parents
It must be taken into account that parents of the children can also view the advert. Parents can be the catalyst that may draw the childs attention toward the ad, and also may easily be attracted by the ad as a child would?The target audience boys may ask parents to take them to Waterstones and/or buy them books from there. Parents therefore need to be considered and need to be convinced not necessarily by the advert but in the brand that Waterstones is a brand worth investing money into for their children’s education. This however must not affect the ad’s outcome to attract primary school boys.
Key Findings in the Book Retail Market in relation to client & competitors
Key findings
Waterstone’s and WH Smith are the biggest individual booksellers by penetration in 2007, although WH Smith lost five percentage points between 2005 and 2007 as it strived to recover its margins. This shows that most consumers still head for a bookshop when they wish to buy a book. http://www.whsmith.co.uk/
Younger book buyers also prefer specialist bookshops, though at a lower penetration than third-age consumers. Those in the no family group particularly like to buy books at Amazon, but not so much eBay. They are less likely to use supermarkets or second-hand sources.
Amazon captures over a fifth of consumers as book buyers. This was the same proportion as second-hand bookshops and charity shops, which showed the highest growth in penetration between 2005 and 2007.
Tesco and Asda achieve the highest penetration among the supermarkets, by offering low-priced ranges of mainly chart paperbacks and children’s books.
Supermarkets tend to attract those in the family lifestage and with young children. These shoppers are likely to be more time-pressed than third agers, and to value the convenience of buying books with the weekly shop
Asda achieved the highest level of book buying among its grocery shoppers (30%), followed by Tesco (28%) and Sainsbury’s (14%). This reflects the relative development of their non-food offers.
The success of supermarkets may explain a significant loss of book penetration at Woolworths in the past two years.
(MINTEL 2009 - http://academic.mintel.com/sinatra/oxygen_academic//display/&id=232500/display/id=291658)
Waterstone’s and WH Smith are the biggest individual booksellers by penetration in 2007, although WH Smith lost five percentage points between 2005 and 2007 as it strived to recover its margins. This shows that most consumers still head for a bookshop when they wish to buy a book. http://www.whsmith.co.uk/
Younger book buyers also prefer specialist bookshops, though at a lower penetration than third-age consumers. Those in the no family group particularly like to buy books at Amazon, but not so much eBay. They are less likely to use supermarkets or second-hand sources.
Amazon captures over a fifth of consumers as book buyers. This was the same proportion as second-hand bookshops and charity shops, which showed the highest growth in penetration between 2005 and 2007.
Tesco and Asda achieve the highest penetration among the supermarkets, by offering low-priced ranges of mainly chart paperbacks and children’s books.
Supermarkets tend to attract those in the family lifestage and with young children. These shoppers are likely to be more time-pressed than third agers, and to value the convenience of buying books with the weekly shop
Asda achieved the highest level of book buying among its grocery shoppers (30%), followed by Tesco (28%) and Sainsbury’s (14%). This reflects the relative development of their non-food offers.
The success of supermarkets may explain a significant loss of book penetration at Woolworths in the past two years.
(MINTEL 2009 - http://academic.mintel.com/sinatra/oxygen_academic//display/&id=232500/display/id=291658)
Relating Waterstones to their new market - Desired brand perception
To efficiently and correctly market its self, Waterstones must examine internally and externally and plan its Brand Perception and the way it wishes its market to be perceived by its audience.
This will help Motion Advertising as a company to now go ahead and plan our campaign around the strongest perceived elements of the Waterstones institution whether it be its long standing success?, high turnover? Brand name? or a more sporty approach appealing more to young boys focused around football players and Waterstones combined to the boys who typically like football because possibly of their lower brand expectation and respect for the Waterstones brand.
Brief Brand Perceptions
Parents - Waterstones, along with Project X reading scheme will ultimately help their children read to a higher level following them from reception to year 6. Waterstones is one of the biggest book retailers is in the UK and has a respected retail reputation which can be trusted and believable that money can be invested in their books and material that will aid parents children’s education.Oxford University – An academic, believable endorser of Project X, with the perception for High Quality. A trusted institution.
Children - Through the campaign the boys perception of Waterstones is planned to be that it is a respected approachable shop where they can go to get their books and reading materials that is going to make them achieve more in school. Firstly it needs to be established that Books and reading are worth while, and that reading is enjoyable and fun then secondly that Waterstones is the place to get the books that they would like to buy.
This will help Motion Advertising as a company to now go ahead and plan our campaign around the strongest perceived elements of the Waterstones institution whether it be its long standing success?, high turnover? Brand name? or a more sporty approach appealing more to young boys focused around football players and Waterstones combined to the boys who typically like football because possibly of their lower brand expectation and respect for the Waterstones brand.
Brief Brand Perceptions
Parents - Waterstones, along with Project X reading scheme will ultimately help their children read to a higher level following them from reception to year 6. Waterstones is one of the biggest book retailers is in the UK and has a respected retail reputation which can be trusted and believable that money can be invested in their books and material that will aid parents children’s education.Oxford University – An academic, believable endorser of Project X, with the perception for High Quality. A trusted institution.
Children - Through the campaign the boys perception of Waterstones is planned to be that it is a respected approachable shop where they can go to get their books and reading materials that is going to make them achieve more in school. Firstly it needs to be established that Books and reading are worth while, and that reading is enjoyable and fun then secondly that Waterstones is the place to get the books that they would like to buy.
About the Client - Waterstones & Relating the client to brief.
Waterstones have taken notice of Project X's research and material and are driving toward the market for young boys.
Waterstones have found a gap in the market for the advertising of books and books shops at football grounds and found it a suitable product placement area for the advertisement. Using this they can catch young boys attention through the means of football related advertising for their brand to increase awareness of the company and reading to the target market.
'Waterstone's mission is to be the leading Bookseller on the High Street and online providing customers the widest choice, great value and expert advice from a team passionate about Bookselling. Waterstone's aims to interest and excite its customers and continually inspire people to read and engage in books.
Now part of HMV Group, Waterstone's first opened in Old Brompton Road, London, in 1982 and currently trades from more than 300 stores, on high streets and in shopping centres, and through numerous university campuses in the UK, Republic of Ireland and continental Europe (Brussels and Amsterdam) as well as on the Isle of Man, Jersey and the Isle of Wight.'
Waterstones have found a gap in the market for the advertising of books and books shops at football grounds and found it a suitable product placement area for the advertisement. Using this they can catch young boys attention through the means of football related advertising for their brand to increase awareness of the company and reading to the target market.
'Waterstone's mission is to be the leading Bookseller on the High Street and online providing customers the widest choice, great value and expert advice from a team passionate about Bookselling. Waterstone's aims to interest and excite its customers and continually inspire people to read and engage in books.
Now part of HMV Group, Waterstone's first opened in Old Brompton Road, London, in 1982 and currently trades from more than 300 stores, on high streets and in shopping centres, and through numerous university campuses in the UK, Republic of Ireland and continental Europe (Brussels and Amsterdam) as well as on the Isle of Man, Jersey and the Isle of Wight.'
Brief Project Outline
Inform young school boy readers that Waterstones is a premier book retailer·
‘Turn boys into real readers’ (project x)·
Create a Slogan/Copy Line the same format as Projects X’s way of relating to school boys·
Produce strong copy led ad for football ground boards for each premier football teams for Waterstones
Produce boards that will attract a young boys attention and stimulate them to either go to Waterstones or make parents to get books.
The advert will change the image and glamorize the image of reading and books generally shared by young boys that reading is boring.
‘Turn boys into real readers’ (project x)·
Create a Slogan/Copy Line the same format as Projects X’s way of relating to school boys·
Produce strong copy led ad for football ground boards for each premier football teams for Waterstones
Produce boards that will attract a young boys attention and stimulate them to either go to Waterstones or make parents to get books.
The advert will change the image and glamorize the image of reading and books generally shared by young boys that reading is boring.
Background Research
Project X's material contains strictly 'Boy Friendly' Content, to encourage reading
Using 'Theomatic Clusters' combining fiction & non Fiction
How do the themes/clusters work?
At each level of Project X the books are organized in to thematic clusters. Each cluster contains five books - three fiction, two non-fiction - linked by a theme. There are 28 themes covered and they have been chosen based on children's interests and popular classroom topics.
Using 'Theomatic Clusters' combining fiction & non Fiction
How do the themes/clusters work?
At each level of Project X the books are organized in to thematic clusters. Each cluster contains five books - three fiction, two non-fiction - linked by a theme. There are 28 themes covered and they have been chosen based on children's interests and popular classroom topics.
Background Infomation / Current Existing projects & research
Project X
'Project X has been created to meet the needs and interests of all children. However, there is a wealth of research showing that there are specific challenges involved in ensuring some boys become readers. Boys are more likely than girls to struggle with reading and to give up on independent reading. Boys are also far more likely than girls to under perform in writing. In the Rose Review of March 2006, Jim Rose identified: "urgent concerns about the generally weaker performance of boys than girls".
For these reasons Project X has been designed to include content and elements of teaching and learning practice which will particularly support boys while not disadvantaging girls.'
http://www.oup.com/oxed/primary/projectx/2/6.html (2009)
'Project X has been created to meet the needs and interests of all children. However, there is a wealth of research showing that there are specific challenges involved in ensuring some boys become readers. Boys are more likely than girls to struggle with reading and to give up on independent reading. Boys are also far more likely than girls to under perform in writing. In the Rose Review of March 2006, Jim Rose identified: "urgent concerns about the generally weaker performance of boys than girls".
For these reasons Project X has been designed to include content and elements of teaching and learning practice which will particularly support boys while not disadvantaging girls.'
http://www.oup.com/oxed/primary/projectx/2/6.html (2009)
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